Carrot Crops


Common problems and our solutions.


Carrots are grown in key regions like California, Washington, and parts of the southeast, where nematodes pose a significant threat to crop yields and root quality. Nematodes can be particularly problematic in sandy soils where carrots thrive, leading to deformed roots and reduced marketable yields.

Root-knot nematodes are the primary nematodes affecting carrots. These pests damage carrots by feeding on the roots, causing galls and misshapen roots, which render the crop unmarketable. Above ground, carrot plants may exhibit stunted growth, wilting, and yellowing leaves. Below ground, nematodes compromise root development, resulting in forked, stunted, or excessively hairy roots. Detecting nematode damage in carrots can be difficult, as visible signs often only appear at harvest.

Nematodes can cause serious damage to carrots, including:

  • Galling on feeder roots, stunted taproots, lumpy or distorted roots, and short, bushy side roots
  • Negative appearance, including hairy, lumpy carrots, sprinkled and hairy appearance, and short foliage
  • Symptoms usually appear first in circular patches that can increase in size each season

Carrots are often also negatively affected by many common soil borne diseases, which can easily enter the plant at nematode damage points.



  • Northern Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne hapla)
  • Southern Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)
  • Needle Nematode (Longidorus elongatus)
  • Stubby Root Nematode (Trichodorus spp.)


  • Pythium Blight
  • Southern Blight (Sclerotium rolfsii)
  • Sclerotinia Blight (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)
  • Rhizoctonia (Rhizoctonia)
  • Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas carotae)
  • Alternaria Blight (Alternaria dauci)
  • Cercospora Leaf Blight (Cercospora carotae)


TELONE™ is the premier soil fumigant used to control nematode populations in the root zone. TELONE™ targets nematodes before planting, reducing pest pressure during the critical early stages of root development. A custom blend of TELONE™ (to target nematodes) and chloropicrin (to target soil-borne diseases) is an effective one-two punch for all of your pre-plant carrot needs.

By fumigating the soil with TELONE™ or a TELONE™/chloropicrin blend, growers can create a protective zone around the roots, allowing the carrot plants to establish healthy and extensive root systems free from nematode damage. This not only helps prevent the formation of galls and other root deformities but also improves overall carrot quality and size, leading to higher marketable yields. TELONE™ is especially important in key carrot-growing regions, where heavy infestations threaten production.