Onions are a key crop in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho), as well as in Georgia, where Vidalia onions are famously grown. However, nematodes present a significant challenge in these regions, negatively affecting yields and bulb quality.
Nematodes thrive in the sandy, well-drained soils typical of these onion-growing areas. The two most damaging species for onions are Meloidogyne chitwoodi (Columbia root-knot nematode) and Meloidogyne incognita (Southern root-knot nematode). These pests damage onions both above and below ground. Above ground, plants may show symptoms like stunted growth and leaf yellowing. Below ground, nematodes feed on onion roots, causing poor root development, leading to smaller bulbs, deformed onions, and lower marketable yields. In the case of Vidalia onions in Georgia, nematode pressure can reduce the distinctive size and sweetness that define these premium onions. Identifying nematode damage early is crucial, but it can be difficult as damage may go unnoticed until bulbs are harvested.
- Root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.)
- Root-knot nematode (Meloidognye hapla)
- Columbia Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi)
- Southern Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)
- Stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci)
- Stubby-root nematode (Paratrichodorus spp. and Trichodorus spp.)
In addition to nematode suppression, TELONE™/chloropicrin blends help manage soil-borne diseases that affect onions, including:
- Fusarium Basal Rot (Fusarium oxysporum)
- Pink Root (Phoma terrestris)
- Rhizoctonia (Rhizoctonia solani)

Nematode management is critical for ensuring healthy onion crops. The most effective method for controlling nematode populations is a TELONE™/chloropicrin blend, which targets nematodes in the future root zone. This is particularly beneficial for large onion-growing regions like the Pacific Northwest and Georgia’s Vidalia onion fields, where high nematode pressure can severely reduce yields and bulb quality.
A TELONE™/chloropicrin blend or co-application not only controls nematodes but also enhances root growth, allowing onions to develop in an environment free of pest pressure. By protecting the root zone during the critical first weeks of growth, TELONE™ creates optimal conditions for stronger, healthier roots, leading to larger bulbs, higher yields, and better-quality onions. The result is increased marketable yields, premium bulb size, and improved grower returns, particularly for Vidalia onion producers aiming to maintain the sweet flavor and size expectations of their product.