Strawberries are grown extensively in California, Florida, and North Carolina, but nematodes present significant challenges in all three regions, impacting yields and fruit quality.
The presence of foliar and northern root-knot nematodes can lead to significant plant stress, ultimately lowering yields in strawberry crops. Controlling these nematodes at the nursery level is essential to prevent their spread throughout strawberry fields. Infested nursery stock can not only spread these pests but may also lose certification, severely impacting the economic value of the planting stock.
Aboveground symptoms include stunted growth, reddening of leaves, small, curled, or crinkled leaves (often referred to as “crimp”), deformed buds and flowers, and reduced flowering and fruit production. Research on the Chandler strawberry cultivar, as well as older varieties like Douglas, Fern, Pajaro, and Selva, has shown that reduced flowering and fruiting is a more reliable indicator of foliar nematode infestations compared to insect damage, which can also cause similar leaf symptoms. While current data on newer strawberry cultivars is limited, similar patterns may apply. Foliar nematodes do not typically cause belowground symptoms.
Aboveground signs of root-knot nematode damage include wilting during hot weather, stunted growth, chlorosis (yellowing leaves), and reduced yields. Belowground, root galls near the tips and excessive root branching around these galls are common indicators of root-knot nematode presence.
- Root lesion (Pratylenchus penetrans)
- Stem (Ditylenchus dipsaci)
- Dagger (Xiphinema americanum)
- Needle (Longidorus elongatus)
- Foliar (Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi, A. besseyi)
- Root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica)
In addition to nematodes, using TELONE™ in combination with chloropicrin helps manage several soil-borne diseases affecting strawberries, including:
- Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum)
- Pythium (Pythium ultimum and Pythium aphanidermatu)
- Rhizoctonia (Rhizoctonia solani)
- Verticillium (Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-atrum)
- Black Root Rot Disease (Thielaviopsis basicola)
- Phytophthora Crown Rot (Phytophthora cactorum)

Managing nematodes in strawberry production is challenging due to their ability to persist and spread in the soil. TELONE™ soil fumigant is the most effective option for controlling nematodes, especially in the high-pressure growing regions of California, Florida and North Carolina. There is no alternative product with the same proven efficacy for managing nematode populations in strawberries.
TELONE™ not only targets nematodes but also promotes stronger root growth, creating an environment where strawberries can thrive. By establishing a protective zone around the roots in the first 6 to 8 weeks of growth, TELONE™ allows the strawberry plants to develop a healthy, extensive root system, free from nematode and soil-borne disease pressure. This leads to increased marketable yields, higher fruit quality, and improved grower ROI.

Pre-plant soil treatment with TELONE™ or a TELONE™-chloropicrin blend reduces soil-borne diseases by controlling nematode populations and enhancing soil health. It also improves beneficial soil microorganisms, which leads to:
- Enhanced strawberry crop quality
- Shorter rotation periods
- Overall reduced inputs (less water, fertilizer, and pesticides)
- Improved soil health
- No residuals on harvested strawberries
Application Method:
TELONE™ and chloropicrin blends can be applied separately or pre-blended, offering flexibility in application methods.
TELONE™ can be applied in-row via shank application. Consult a TELONE™ specialist to determine the best treatment for your strawberry crops.