Teleos Blog

2022 Kennewick stewardship fumigation training meeting

PNW TELONE™ Stewardship Training Meetings

Stewardship is always top of mind for the Teleos team. As part of our ongoing stewardship efforts, our TELONE™ Specialists host stewardship training meetings across the country. For the past two summers, our PNW TELONE™ Specialist, Robin Matson, has hosted two large stewardship meetings in Moses Lake and Kennewick, Washington. Robin’s stewardship meetings are designed […]

TELONE™ and Chloropicrin: A One-Two Punch for Nematodes and Soilborne Diseases

Agricultural diseases can decimate your crop if you don’t take the proper preventative steps. Nematodes and other soilborne diseases need to be stopped in their tracks—and the right soil fumigation techniques can make all the difference. In this blog post, we cover the main benefits of TELONE™ and how combining chloropicrin with TELONE™ yields additional […]